Best recipes for olive oil


It contains a lot of olive oil before you start cooking.  In these recipes, you will find that olive oil works its magic, whether it is adding flavor to slow-cooked vegetables or adding a delicious flavor to creamy vanilla ice cream.

How can I use olive oil in my cooking?

Add it to salads or mix in salad dressings.

   *Use in pickles or sauces for meat, fish, poultry and vegetables.  ,

   *Add at the end of cooking to make the flavors explode.

  *Drizzle over cooked pasta or vegetables.

   *Use as a healthy dip for bread instead of butter or margarine.

Olive oil cake

Even die-hard butter devotees acknowledge that olive oil makes an exceptionally good cake – and this extremely moist emerald dessert is no exception. It has a nice hint of lemon, and almond flour gives it a naturally sweet, nutty flavor.

Bread with chocolate and olive oil

Bread with chocolate is a popular dessert in Catalonia. Here, it becomes more luxurious with a drizzle of flavored olive oil and a sprinkling of crunchy salt.

Long roasted eggplant with garlic, lavender, and small pepper croutons

Eggplant absorbs olive oil like no other vegetable, and that’s why we like it. This dish of Allison Roman’s Nothing Fancy starts with just half an eggplant, cooked in olive oil until custard. You serve them with a sprinkle of croutons fried in crushed olive oil on a sauce full of lemons.

Confet with parsnip pickle currant

Welcome to Root Vegetables. Strong parsnips are softened in a hot bath of olive oil, then fried and cooked with pickled currants..

Radishes with herbal salt and olive oil

Radishes and butter are old hats. Radish and olive oil?  Refreshing, especially when mixed with aromatic herbal salts.

Chicken confit with pickled tomatoes

This wonderful noodle salad topped with marinated chicken confetti is cooked slowly for hours in a mixture of olive oil and a more neutral oil. It turns out moist and juicy, and is well crushed in a frying pan with preserved oil.

Roasted cherry tomato capers

Got off-season tomatoes. Not sure how to use it? This prescription is the answer.  Classic Tomato and Stocking Summer Salad Makes Crispy in Cold Weather with Large amounts of Olive Oil and Thyme

Olive oil Apple cake with spicy cinnamon

This is a simple cake after school, a fall cake that you make in a bowl. It is full of crushed apples and spicy cinnamon, but the star has its texture: moist and full of many olive oils.


Extra Virgin Olive Oil – With its low acidity content, this salad dressing you cook is a great choice for vegetables, pasta, bean dishes and grilled fish. One or two drops of drizzle in soups and sauces also add a wonderful boost to the body.